Active listening involves focusing attention on the person doing the speaking, listening to what they say and then repeating back to them in your own words what you think they have just said. When using verbal communication with patients it is important to speak looking at them, speaking slowly and clearly and using simple language,. This could include: Senior member of staff, Carer, Family member, Standard 9: Awareness of Mental Health, Dementia and Learning Disability, 9.1a. What are the factors to consider when promoting effective communication? This could include: Senior member of staff, Carer, Family member, 7.3a Describe ways of helping individuals to make informed choices, 7.3b Explain how risk assessment processes can be used to support the right of individuals to make their own decisions, 7.3c Explain why personal views must not influence an individual’s own choices or decision, 7.3d Describe why there may be times when they need to support an individual to question or challenge decisions made about them by others, 7.4a Demonstrate how to support individuals to make informed choices, 7.4b Ensure any risk assessment processes are used to support the right of individuals to make their own decisions, 7.4c Ensure their own personal views do not influence an individual’s own choices or decisions, 7.4d Describe how to report any concerns they have to the relevant person. Dementia 3. Need to make sure that the environment is not noisy 2. Messages must thus reinforce each other across these approaches. Demonstrating active listening is another factor that helps to promote effective communication. Explain why early detection of mental health needs, dementia or learning disability is important. Good communication skills not only help to improve your personal relationships, but also your success in the workplace. 5.5b Recognise the signs that an individual is in pain or discomfort. 11.1 Explain what you must do if you suspect a child, young person (met in any circumstances) is being abused or neglected. factors to consider when promoting effective communication. It’s about understanding the emotion and intentions behind the information. Varner and Beamer (2010, p. 35) defines communication as “the perception of verbal and nonverbal behaviour and the assignment of meaning to them.” Terry has been involved in the development of assessments for both education and corporations for over 30 years. 13.1a Identify legislation relating to general health and safety in a health or social care work setting, 13.1b Describe the main points of the health and safety policies and procedures agreed with the employer, 13.1c Outline the main health and safety responsibilities of: self, the employer or manager, others in the work setting, 13.1d List tasks relating to health and safety that should not be carried out without special training, 13.1e Explain how to access additional support and information relating to health and safety, 13.1f Describe different types of accidents and sudden illness that may occur in their own work setting, 13.2a Explain why it is important to assess the health and safety risks posed by particular work settings, situations or activities, 13.2b Describe how and when to report health and safety risks that they have identified, 13.3a Identify key pieces of legislation that relate to moving and assisting, 13.3b List tasks relating to moving and assisting that they are not allowed to carry out until they are competent, 13.3c Demonstrate how to move and assist people and objects safely, maintaining the individual’s dignity, and in line with legislation and agreed ways of working, 13.4a List the different types of accidents and sudden illness that may occur in the course of their work, 13.4b Describe the procedures to be followed if an accident or sudden illness should occur, 13.4c List the emergency first aid actions they are and are not allowed to carry out, 13.5a Describe the agreed ways of working in relation to medication, 13.5b Describe the agreed ways of working in relation to healthcare tasks, 13.5c List the tasks relating to medication and health care procedures that they are not allowed to carry out until they are competent, 13.6a Describe the hazardous substances in their workplace, 13.6b Demonstrate safe practices for storing, using and disposing of hazardous substances, 13.7a Explain how to prevent fires from starting or spreading, 13.7b Describe what to do in the event of a fire, 13.8a Describe the measures that are designed to protect their own security at work, and the security of those they support, 13.8b Explain the agreed ways of working for checking the identity of anyone requesting access to premises or information, 13.9a Recognise common signs and indicators of stress in themselves and others, 13.9b Identify circumstances that tend to trigger stress in themselves and others, 14.1a Describe the agreed ways of working and legislation regarding the recording, storing and sharing of information, 14.1b Explain why it is important to have secure systems for recording, storing and sharing information, 14.1c Demonstrate how to keep records that are up to date, complete, accurate and legible, 14.1d Explain how, and to whom, to report if they become aware that agreed ways of working have not been followed, Standard 15: Infection Prevention and Control, 15.1a Describe the main ways an infection can get into the body, 15.1c Explain how their own health or hygiene might pose a risk to the individuals they support or work with, 15.1d List common types of personal protective clothing, equipment and procedures and how and when to use them, 15.1e Explain the principles of safe handling of infected or soiled linen and clinical waste, 1.1 Explain how a working relationship is different from a personal relationship, 1.2 Describe different working relationships in care settings, 2.1 Describe why it is important to adhere to the agreed scope of the job role, 2.2 Access full and up-to-date details of agreed ways of working, 2.3 Work in line with agreed ways of working, 2.4 Contribute to quality assurance processes to promote positive experiences for individuals receiving care, 3.1 Explain why it is important to work in partnership with others, 3.2 Demonstrate ways of working that can help improve partnership working, 3.3 Identify skills and approaches needed for resolving conflicts, 3.4 Access support and advice about: partnership working, resolving conflicts, 1.1 Describe the Duties & Responsibilities of Own Work Role, 1.2 Identify standards, regulatory requirements and agreed ways of working that may influence your knowledge, understanding and skills to carry out your work role, 1.3 Describe how to ensure that own personal values, attitudes or beliefs do not obstruct the quality of work and working practice, 2.1 Explain why reflecting on work activities is an important way to develop knowledge, skills and practice, 2.2 Assess how well own knowledge, skills and understanding meet standards, 2.3 Demonstrate the ability to reflect on work activities, 3.1 Identify sources of support and how they can be used for own learning and development, 3.2 Describe the process for agreeing a personal development plan and who should be involved, 3.3 Contribute and agree to own personal development plan, 4.1 Describe how a learning activity has improved own knowledge, skills and understanding, 4.2 Describe how reflecting on a situation has improved own knowledge, skills and understanding, 4.3 Explain the importance of continuing professional development, 4.4 Describe how feedback from others has developed own knowledge, skills and understanding, 4.5 Demonstrate how to record progress in relation to personal development, 1.2 Describe how duty of care relates to duty of candour, 1.3 Describe how the duty of care affects own work role, 2.1 Describe dilemmas that may arise between the duty of care and an individual’s rights, 2.2 Explain where to get additional support and advice about how to resolve such dilemmas, 3.1 Describe the process to follow when responding to complaints, 3.2 Identify the main points of agreed procedures for handling complaints, 1.1 Explain what is meant by: diversity, equality, inclusion, discrimination, 1.2 Describe ways in which discrimination may deliberately or inadvertently occur in the work setting, 1.3 Explain how practices that support equality and inclusion reduce the likelihood of discrimination, 2.1 Identify which legislation and codes of practice relating to equality, diversity and discrimination apply to own role, 2.2 Show interaction with individuals that respects their beliefs, culture, values and preferences, 2.3 Describe how to challenge discrimination in a way that encourages change, 3.1 Identify a range of sources of information, advice and support about diversity, equality and inclusion, 3.2 Describe how to access information, advice and support about diversity, equality and inclusion, 3.3 Identify when to access information, advice and support about diversity, equality and inclusion, 1.2 Explain why it is important to work in a way that embeds person-centred values, 1.3 Explain why risk taking can be part of a person-centred approach, 1.4 Explain how using an individual's care plan contributes to working in a person-centred way, 2.1 Find out the history, preferences, wishes and needs of the individual, 2.2 Apply person-centred values in day to day work taking into account the history, preferences, wishes and needs of the individual, 3.1 Explain the importance of establishing consent when providing care or support, 3.2 Establish consent for an activity or action, 3.3 Explain what steps to take if consent cannot be readily established, 4.1 Describe how active participation benefits an individual, 4.2 Identify possible barriers to active participation, 4.3 Demonstrate ways to reduce the barriers and encourage active participation, 5.1 Support an individual to make informed choices, 5.2 Use agreed risk assessment processes to support the right to make choices, 5.3 Explain why a worker’s personal views should not influence an individual’s choices, 5.4 Describe how to support an individual to question or challenge decisions concerning them that are made by others, 6.1 Explain how individual identity and self esteem are linked with well-being, 6.2 Describe attitudes and approaches that are likely to promote an individual’s well-being, 6.3 Support an individual in a way that promotes a sense of identity and self esteem, 6.4 Demonstrate ways to contribute to an environment that promotes well-being, 6.5 Recognise and respond to changes in physical and mental health, 6.6 Explain the importance of good nutrition and hydration, Identify Different Reasons Why People Communicate, Explain How Effective Communication Affects All Aspects of Own Work, Explain why it is important to observe an individual’s reactions when communicating with them, Find out an individual’s communication and language needs, wishes and preferences and demonstrate communication methods that meet them, Show how and when to seek advice about communication, Identify barriers to communication and demonstrate how to reduce them in different ways, Demonstrate ways to check that communication has been understood, Identify sources of information, support and services to enable more effective communication, Demonstrate confidentiality in day to day communication, in line with agreed ways of working, Describe situations where information normally considered to be confidential might need to be passed on, Explain how and when to seek advice about confidentiality, Safeguarding and Protection in Care Settings, 1.2 Explain own role and responsibilities in safeguarding individuals, 1.3 Define the following terms: • Physical abuse • Domestic abuse • Sexual abuse • Emotional/psychological abuse • Financial/material abuse • Modern slavery • Discriminatory abuse • Institutional/organisational abuse • Self-neglect • Neglect by others, 2.1 Identify the signs and/or symptoms associated with each of the following types of abuse: • Physical abuse • Domestic abuse • Sexual abuse • Emotional/psychological abuse • Financial/material abuse • Modern slavery • Discriminatory abuse • Institutional/organisational abuse • Self-neglect • Neglect by others, 2.2 Describe factors that may contribute to an individual being more vulnerable to abuse, 3.1 Explain the actions to take if there are suspicions that an individual is being abused, 3.2 Explain the actions to take if an individual alleges that they are being abused, 3.3 Identify ways to ensure that evidence of abuse is preserved, 4.1 Identify relevant legislation, national policies and local systems that relate to safeguarding and protection from abuse, 4.2 Explain the roles of different agencies in safeguarding and protecting individuals from abuse, 4.3 Identify factors which have featured in reports into serious cases of abuse and neglect, 4.4 Identify sources of information and advice about own role in safeguarding and protecting individuals from abuse, including whistle blowing, 4.5 Identify when to seek support in situations beyond your experience and expertise, 5.1 Explain how the likelihood of abuse may be reduced by: • working with person centred values • encouraging active participation • promoting choice and rights • supporting individuals with awareness of personal safety, 5.2 Explain the importance of an accessible complaints procedure for reducing the likelihood of abuse, 5.3 Outline how the likelihood of abuse can be reduced by managing risk and focusing on prevention, 6.1 Describe unsafe practices that may affect the well-being of individuals, 6.2 Explain the actions to take if unsafe practices have been identified, 6.3 Describe the actions to take if suspected abuse or unsafe practices have been reported but nothing has been done in response, 7.1 Describe the potential risks presented by: • the use of electronic communication devices • the use of the internet • the use of social networking sites • carrying out financial transactions online, 7.2 Explain ways of reducing the risks presented by each of these types of activity, 7.3 Explain the importance of balancing measures for online safety against the benefits to individuals of using electronic systems and devices, 1.1 Identify legislation relating to general health and safety in a care work setting, 1.2 Outline the main points of the health and safety policies and procedures agreed with the employer, 1.3 Outline the main health and safety responsibilities of: self, the employer or manager, others in the work setting, 1.4 Identify tasks relating to health and safety that should not be carried out without special training, 1.5 Explain how to access additional support and information relating to health and safety, 2.1 Explain why it is important to assess health and safety risks posed by the work setting, situations or by particular activities, 2.2 Explain how and when to report potential health and safety risks that have been identified, 2.3 Explain how risk assessment can help address dilemmas between rights and health and safety concerns, 3.1 Describe different types of accidents and sudden illnesses that may occur in own work setting, 3.2 Outline the procedures to be followed if an accident or sudden illness should occur, 4.1 Explain own roles and responsibilities as an employee and those of the employer in the prevention and control of infection, 4.2 Explain the causes and spread of infection in care settings, 4.3 Demonstrate the recommended method for hand washing settings, 4.4 Demonstrate the use of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) and when to use it, 4.5 Demonstrate ways to ensure that own health and hygiene do not pose a risk to others at work, 5.1 Identify legislation that relates to moving and handling, 5.2 Explain principles for moving and handling equipment and other objects safely, 5.3 Demonstrate how to move and handle equipment and objects safely, 6.1 Describe hazardous substances and materials that may be found in the work setting, 6.2 Explain safe practices for: storing hazardous substances, using hazardous substances, disposing of hazardous substances and materials, 7.1 Describe practices that prevent fires from starting and spreading, 7.2 Describe emergency procedures to be followed in the event of a fire in the work setting, 7.3 Explain the importance of maintaining clear evacuation routes at all times, 8.1 Use agreed ways of working for checking the identity of anyone requesting access to the premises or information, 8.2 Implement measures to protect own security and the security of others in the work setting, 8.3 Explain the importance of ensuring that others are aware of own whereabouts, 9.1 Identify common signs and indicators of stress in self and others, 9.2 Identify circumstances and factors that tend to trigger stress in self and others, 9.3 Describe ways to manage stress and how to access sources of support, Identify the legislation that relates to the recording, storage and sharing of information in care settings, Explain why it is important to have secure systems for recording and storing information in a care setting, Describe how to access guidance, information and advice about handling information, Explain what actions to take when there are concerns over the recording, storing or sharing of information, Keep records that are up to date, complete, accurate and legible, Follow agreed ways of working for: recording information, storing information, sharing information, Promote Personal Development in Care Settings, 1.1 Describe the duties and responsibilities of own work role, 1.2 Explain expectations about own work role as expressed in relevant standards, 1.3 Describe how to work effectively with others, 2.1 Explain the importance of reflective practice in continuously improving the quality of service provided, 2.2 Reflect on practice to improve the quality of the service provided, 2.3 Describe how own values, belief systems and experiences may affect working practice, 3.1 Evaluate own knowledge, performance and understanding against relevant standards, 3.2 Use feedback to evaluate own performance and inform development, 4.1 Identify sources of support for planning and reviewing own development, 4.2 Work with others to review and prioritise own learning needs, professional interests and development opportunities, 4.3 Work with others to agree own personal development plan, 5.1 Evaluate how learning activities have affected practice, 5.2 Explain how reflective practice has led to improved ways of working, 5.3 Explain why continuing professional development is important, 5.4 Record progress in relation to personal development, 1.1 Explain what it means to have a duty of care in own work role, 1.2 Explain how duty of care relates to duty of candour, 1.3 Explain how duty of care contributes to the safeguarding or protection of individuals, 2.1 Describe conflicts or dilemmas that may arise between the duty of care and an individual’s rights, 2.2 Describe how to manage risks associated with conflicts or dilemmas between an individual’s rights and the duty of care, 2.3 Explain where to get additional support and advice about conflicts and dilemmas, 3.1 Describe how to respond to complaints, 3.2 Explain policies and procedures relating to the handling of complaints, Promote Equality and Inclusion in Care Settings, 1.2 Describe the effects of discrimination, 1.3 Explain how inclusive practice promotes equality and supports diversity, 2.1 Explain how legislation, policy and codes of practice relating to equality, diversity and discrimination apply to own work role, 2.2 Work with individuals in a way that respects their beliefs, culture, values and preferences, 3.2 Support others to promote equality and rights, 3.3 Describe how to challenge discrimination in a way that promotes change, Promote Person-Centred Approaches in Care Settings, 1.1 Explain how and why person-centred values must influence all aspects of health and adult care work, 1.2 Evaluate the use of care plans in applying person-centred values, 1.3 Explain how to collate and analyse feedback to support the delivery of person-centred care in line with roles and responsibilities, 2.1 Work with an individual and others to find out the individual’s history, preferences, wishes and needs, 2.2 Demonstrate ways to put person-centred values into practice in a complex or sensitive situation, 2.3 Adapt actions and approaches in response to an individual’s changing needs or preferences, 3.1 Analyse factors that influence the capacity of an individual to express consent, 4.1 Describe different ways of applying active participation to meet individual needs, 4.2 Work with an individual and others to agree how active participation will be implemented, 4.3 Demonstrate how active participation can address the holistic needs of an individual, 4.4 Demonstrate ways to promote understanding and use of active participation, 5.2 Use own role and authority to support the individual’s right to make choices, 5.3 Manage risk in a way that maintains the individual’s right to make choices, 6.1 Explain the links between identity, self-image and self esteem, 6.2 Analyse factors that contribute to the well-being of individuals, 6.3 Support an individual in a way that promotes their sense of identity, self-image and self-esteem, 7.1 Compare different uses of risk assessment in care settings, 7.2 Explain how risk-taking and risk assessment relate to rights and responsibilities, 7.3 Explain why risk assessments need to be regularly revised, 1.1 Identify the different reasons people communicate, 1.2 Explain how communication affects relationships in the work setting, 1.3 Explain ways to manage challenging situations, 2.1 Demonstrate how to establish the communication and language needs, wishes and preferences of individuals in order to maximise the quality of the interaction, 2.2 Describe the factors to consider when promoting effective communication, 2.3 Demonstrate a range of communication methods and styles to meet individual needs, 2.4 Demonstrate how to respond to an individual’s reactions when communicating, 3.1 Explain how people from different backgrounds may use and/or interpret communication methods in different ways, 3.2 Identify barriers to effective communication, 3.3 Demonstrate ways to overcome barriers to communication, 3.4 Demonstrate how to use strategies that can be used to clarify misunderstandings, 3.5 Explain how to use communication skills to manage complex, sensitive, abusive or challenging situations and behaviours, 3.6 Explain how to access extra support or services to enable individuals to communicate effectively, 3.7 Explain the purposes and principles of independent advocacy, 3.8 Explain when to involve an advocate and how to access advocacy services, 4.1 Explain the meaning of the term confidentiality, 4.2 Demonstrate ways to maintain and promote confidentiality in day-to-day communication, 4.3 Describe the potential tension between maintaining an individual’s confidentiality and disclosing concerns, Promote Effective Handling of Information in Care Settings. 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